Sunday, 21 February 2016

Green Roses 4.2.2 for Micromax A88

Download the Green Roses  Completely 

4.2.2 Based RoM





Download Link   :


                           DOWNLOAD LINK :                                 


Best Rom For Micromax A88 in 4.2.2 Version And Without Bugs 

Screenshots :
379668 600928703299580 1993894284 n 484753 600926043299846 572421952 n 946048 600928296632954 833177578 n 988748 600926949966422 157672131 n

994650 600926013299849 1410398428 n 1017271 600926246633159 1343568265 n 1385713 600926169966500 1206487661 n 1391955 600926226633161 1824340750 n

1394101 600926089966508 176758480 n 1395141 600930353299415 1394964724 n 1395428 600927603299690 1028415971 n 1395939 600931416632642 521111157 n

1424321 600926196633164 995070980 n 1426312 600926403299810 673551739 n 1441434 600931096632674 2097062157 n 1452096 600926056633178 68866512 n

1453441 600925989966518 1370530650 n 1454757 600929656632818 647160636 n 1454971 600930856632698 521287916 n 1456134 600926136633170 993146425 n

1457589 600926156633168 1055114057 n 1461309 600929066632877 769476361 n 


Jelly Bean 4.2.2-Swift Dual 3G-Sense Recent-Transparancy Theme-Signal Hideen-Rotted-Mod MMS.apk-Lenovo Launcher-Mod UI-Transparan Status Bar

Take Full Nandroid Backup ( Always Recommended )

This Tutorial is for CWM Users
Install CWM From Here : CWM Link

Go To Recovery Mode :

Switch off the Phone Press and hold "Volume Up + Power"  Butons
Select Recovery Mode by Volume Up and Proceed to Recovery by Volume Down


1. - wipe data factory reset --> Yes--delete all user data  
2. - wipe cache partition --> Yes--Wipe Cache   
3. - advanced --> Wipe Dalvik Cache --> Yes--wipe dalvik cache    
4. - mounts and storage --> Format /System /data /cache  
5. - install zip from sd --> - choose zip from sdcard --> - Select Zip    
6. - reboot System now    
7. - wait f0r 5-10 min to bootup

 Bugs:  Group 2 Guys Install This Patch After Flashing The RoM

Download Camera Patch Group 2

If U Got Any More Bugs Comment Below

  Download Link :


1 comment:

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