Sunday, 21 February 2016

[ROM][PORT] Xperia Fusion™ for Micromax A88

Xperia Fusion ROM for Micromax A88
-> Xperia Launcher 1.3.7c ( by ra3al )
-> Sony Xloud Sound,
-> Xperia Widgets,
-> Xperia Z Lockscreen,
-> Powered by Bravia 2 Engine,
-> Official JB Camera Modues,
-> Busybox 1.20.2 Pre-Installed,
-> Better Status Bar Toggles,
-> Transparent Status Bar Mod,
-> Battery Mod Included,
-> Updated G-Apps ( Most of the G-Apps are not included to
increase System Space ),
-> Removed Useless Apps to increase System space,
-> Sony Walkman Player with many Mods and Build.Prop
-> BUILD.PROP Tweaks,
-> Clear Audio X sound MOD,
-> Modded Phone.apk,
-> Modded Contacts.apk,
-> Modded Settings.apk,
-> Modded SystemUI.apk,
-> TrackID included,
-> Xperia HD Wallpapers,
-> Text Improved on Holding Power Button,
-> On - Screen Navigation Buttons Added as Choice ,
-> Init.D scripts support ( Without any app / kernel )
-> 4clyTurbo Pre-installed,
-> Added Cool Xperia Fusion Boot LOGO,
-> Added Win-Nexus X bootanim/shutdown Animation,
-> Xperia Audio Tones,
-> Stock UI Touch Tones,
-> Added No-Frills CPU Control app,
-> Xperia Album app Added,
-> Added Cool Fonts as Default,
-> Smoother Framework,
-> 80% status bar transparency mod enabled as Default,
-> Sound Enhancements,
-> Proximity Delay after Call End reduced ,
-> Apps Zipaligned At each Start,
-> Pre-Supercharged.
Please note I'm not the developer of this rom. All credit goes
to Akhilendra1711 for creating this awesome rom.I had just Ported this ROM to iris 405

Download link:


Download Patch For A88:



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